Sunday, October 17, 2010

Missing Someone

I'll cherish the days we were together,
When I'd hoped that it would last forever.
But now it seems there's nothing I can do..
So today I'll say my goodbye to you!!!

As time passes, it may lessen the pain,
But I will still miss you - time and again
Though it may be long before I MAY see you again,
I know you're happy there in your own heaven

So today I bid you Farewell,
And I shall miss you, mon cher.
But my heart weeps cuz it seems you dont care!!


Nethra said...

I under went this phase sometime back. Saying goodbye to someone dear is painful, isn't it?

Shrikant said...

It sure is very Painful!! No one should go through this.. but alas.. there cant be all sunshine in life can there??
Thanks for your comment Nethra!!

Ranj said...

Saying goodbye is indeed painful and it is difficult to get over somethings in life no matter how long it's been!