Thursday, March 6, 2008

Unsolicited Emails

Few months back, our class yahoo group was tormented by a flurry of accusations and counter-accusations which all stemmed from a puny sms (powered by Hutch) which might have been delayed - due to any reasons whatsoever... thats not the point of discussion of this post - not withstanding the fact that this flurry of emails were themselves quite unsolicited. But thanks to this flurry (am I getting very repetitive?), a certain group of mind-screwing email terrorists like your's truly was born to "Save the world from unsolicited emails and SMSes"... yeah whatever... but don't mistake us for any kind of superheroes wearing their Bright Undies outside their pants.

Well it seems that this group of highly hedonistic mind-numbing brain damagers has cut down on their literary warfare or may be gone into premature retirement. And this might just be a cause of celebration among certain sections of the society which might be called an anti-social email forwarding species mutated from the well known homo-sapiens sapiens who had been in the line of fire from the mind screwers for relentlessly forwarding useless stuff everywhere.

But these forwarding parasites beware.. cuz there is an ultimate tool that has just been developed to counter your daily dose of Unsolicited forwards... nothing complicated, just another mind numbing email... though this time it is automated... so the mind screwers can sleep in peace and yet carry on their good work by a simple autoreply.. if only i cud get that thing to work properly. lets see.. it goes something like this

<error type="com.lonflonf.core.script.js.TeamWorksJavaScriptException" description="TeamWorksJavaScriptException">
<cause type="java.lang.Throwable" description="cause" />
<localizedMessage type="java.lang.String" description="String">Runtime error in script ("Process: 'LogInfo' ProcessItem: 'Log information' Type: 'ITEM'" -1:-1).Internal Script error: com.lonflonf.server.core.UndeclaredVariableRuntimeException

com.lonflonf.component.common.worker.TWComponentWorkerException: <error type="com.lonflonf.core.script.js.TeamWorksJavaScriptException" description="TeamWorksJavaScriptException">
<cause type="java.lang.Throwable" description="cause" />
<localizedMessage type="java.lang.String" description="String">Runtime error in script ("Process: 'LogInfo' ProcessItem: 'Log information' Type: 'ITEM'" -1:-1).Internal Script error: com.lonflonf.server.core.UndeclaredVariableRuntimeException
<script type="com.lonflonf.core.script.js.EmbededJScript" description="EmbededJScript">
<parsedScript type="java.lang.String" description="String">var out = tw.local.logName; // line 1
<stackTrace type="[Ljava.lang.StackTraceElement;" description="StackTraceElement;">
<toString>[TeamworksException name='Process: 'LogInfo' ProcessItem: 'Log information' Type: 'ITEM'', message='Internal Script error: com.lonflonf.server.core.UndeclaredVariableRuntimeException', line=-1, pos=-1 nested=&lt;none&gt;]</toString>
<stackTrace>[TeamworksException name='Process: 'LogInfo' ProcessItem: 'Log information' Type: 'ITEM'', message='Internal Script error: com.lonflonf.server.core.UndeclaredVariableRuntimeException', line=-1, pos=-1 nested=&lt;none&gt;]
at com.lonflonf.core.script.js.JavaScriptRunner.execute(Lcom/lonflonf/core/script/
(Optimized Method)

at java.lang.Thread.startThreadFromVM(Ljava/lang/Thread;)V(Optimized Method)
at Method)
at java.lang.Thread.startThreadFromVM(Ljava/lang/Thread;)V(Optimized Method)

Save me... I have been threatfully threatened threatful action by certain countries against the use of this WMD ;)