A long forgotten dusty lamp. Try to wipe of the dirt, it starts smoking. Out pops a Genie. Not that "I dream of Genie" types babe-genie but a tall dark grizzled erie genie. Oh damn, why should the type of genie matter. Chuck it. So, a genie pops out saying in a reverberating sound slightly more audible than a faint rasp of a sore throat, "For freeing me from the dark dank wretched depths of the dinky lamp, I grant to thee three wish"
Genie thinks for a moment, "World peace is it??"
Remove the I (Ego) and the WANT (Greed) and thou shalt have thy world peace
Huh.. whats gotten into the Hedonist, why is he talking so much sense (if that makes sense to you). Nah nothing has gotten into me.. its just that I've been cursed by a personality switching spell by our very own little Puttar Harrynder Singh Patialewaala

Why did he curse me is altogether another story. Just the other day I caught his beloved cousin Harry Potter (Singh or not so Singh is a big question) letting his hair down with his old pal Draco
Now about my other 2 wishes.
Genie: Arre bhai!! recession ka zamaana hai, ek se hi kaam chala lo. Poof!! Genie goes back to his dark dank wretched depths of the dinky lamp living happily ever after.
PS: This is for some certain FANS of mine...Nah I'm not conceited.. I'm just too GREAT... and its Hard to be Humble when you are as GREAT as me!! To put it in Sanskrit, "Eko Ahum Dvitiyo Nasti.. Na Bhootoh na bhavishyati" or something like that.. now go decipher that!!!
I would also like to thank one of these certain fans for writing an entire blogpost dedicated to my GREATNESS
God, kya hoga tera...take out all ur anger on srk if u want, why u punishing harry potter re...yehi teri dosti..
SRK is not worth any mention at all... and thanks for saying "God, kya hoga tera"... Finally you acknowledge the "God of Small Blogs and other such random things".. he he he
oh very funny, what god of small blog etc crap...and i m not ur fan duh..
Not a fan eh?? Lets see... comments on every post.. honest scrap award tag... ummm.. one post dedicated to me... what else does a FAN do??
ye to meri dosti hai ke I comment on ur posts (cos they are nice), tht doesn't mean I am ur fan ok...n award, wo to I thought you will not mind one re...I am the only dedicated reader of ur blog, so why naat?
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