Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Here's another one of those WONDERFUL "chutkulas" from Sarabhai vs Sarabhai... 

Once the Sarabhais are trying to resurrect the "Aatma" of Indravadhan's Mother.. so that they can find out where she had hidden the owndership deed of the house... so besides all the "ek-pe-ek-free" antics of Monisha, they get a modern "Ojha" (a friend of Sonia's) who tries to "call" the said Aatma into Monisha's body with the chant "hamagra meymay gyaadha"
Sahil's reply to that: Hum Agra May mein nahin Feb mein GYAADHA

Joke's apart - coming to the main issue to be addressed in this post

Just wanted to show-off my awards a bit better.. so had been cooking up a script so that each one of them would pop out and show off in full glory.. Do write in and tell me how it looks? Hint: try clicking on the top left hand corner of each award to make it come alive :D
Or did the earlier Awards shelf look better?? For your reference its there below the subscribe widget on the right sidebar


Neha said...

hahahaha, it looks awesome...good way to show off...thank you for justifying the conceit award...:)))

Shrikant said...

Cool... so I'll just delete the older widgets